About this Guide

Please direct any comments and questions concerning this Security Guide to Jim Moudry or Carolyn Elledge by either phone or email.  Jim Moudry, 402-292-8660, ext. 217, [email protected].  Carolyn Elledge, 402-292-8660, ext. 210, [email protected]

This Guide is Version 3.0 dated May 2006 of a program developed for the Defense Security Service (DSS) by the Defense Personnel Security Research Center (PERSEREC).  The content is Unclassified and has been approved for public release by the Department of Defense.  The content is intended as general guidance only and is not a substitute for review of the official regulations.

(If the content has been customized and enhanced to reflect the specific procedures, policies and needs of your organization, note that here.  You are responsible for obtaining approval for public release, if required, for any substantive information that you add.)

Unauthorized attempts to upload information or change information in this program are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1987 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act.

To make this program accessible to people with disabilities, this program conforms to W3C's "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0", available at http://www.w3.org/TR/WAI-WEBCONTENT, level A.


This program builds on briefings, brochures and articles developed by individuals and organizations throughout the the U.S. Government security community.  Their contributions are greatly appreciated, as are the comments of the dozens of people throughout the security community who reviewed the core program and provided input to make it better.

Security awareness cartoons were provided by the Information and Personnel Security Office, Chief of Naval Operations.  Many of these are by Chip Beck.  They are not copyrighted.

The computer animations are also not copyrighted.  They come from the following Internet sites, some of which are no longer accessible:

Jo's World, www.jograham.com
Debby's GIF Animation Page, www.debsgifs.com

Microsoft Clip Art Gallery, http://office.microsoft.com/clipart/default.aspx?lc=en-us
Bells n' Whistles, www.bellsnwhistles.com
Media Builder, www.mediabuilder.com
DeeDee's Animation Collection, www.Jan.NorCom.mb.ca/deedee/animat.htm.

Backgrounds are from:
Heikki's Home, http://njet.net/heikki/backgrounds_index.shtml.  Unfortunately this website is no longer available


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